A downloadable game for Windows

Title: Vagrant Legend

Genre: J-RPG Style
Plot:  Raven is an immortal.  He has lived for thousands of years and shaped the course of the world that he has lived in for generations.  He has some issues, one being that he does die in this world only to be resurrected again, and every time he has resurrected the world resets itself.  Well, he also gets amnesia and forgets everything but that seems to be changing now.  There is definitely a reason behind his resurrection or the world to reset.  Would the world reset again or is there something Raven can do? 

Join us in this adventure as Raven explores this vast world and tries to stop this cycle. 

World:    Over a million years ago there was a global meltdown. The world saw chaos on an unprecedented scale. Two-third of the world was flooded and the only thing that remained were small islands. However, the elemental crystals had formed to reshape the world. The balance of the world remained with the power of the crystals, Earth, Fire, Ice, and Wind.  

There were two other types of elemental power, Devine, and Abyss. However, these elements were exceedingly rare and not available to all.  Only a handful of humans could cultivate the power of the elements and only a few amongst them could master it.  

As Devine and Abyss elements were even rarer, few could utilize them.  Thus began the dominance of people of Devine or Abyss powers. The conflict rose to such height that it divided the world between followers of Devine and Abyss.  

Legends spoke of a being that could wield all forms of elements and became immortal to remain alive for eternity to maintain balance in the world.  

Others followed this legend and tried to replicate the powers of the element. Legend speaks of a family that had gained similar powers. These elemental masters secured their place at the top of the world and over thousands of years, these beings became the controller the world. 

That is why our world is now crying, as it may be that everything is okay from the outside, but it has become a prison with slaves under the control of the masters. 


Vagrant Legend Pre Alpha demo.zip 292 MB

Development log


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I enjoyed playing this in the Smile Game Builder Gamejam.  The battles need to be easier at the beginning and a few small tweaks...but it has a lot of potential.

I realize it's just alpha!  It's very cool looking forward to seeing more.  If you'd like to work on the game together just e-mail or DM us.  :)


Thank you so much for playing the game and giving feedback. I would love to learn more about game development in SGB.  So any pointers you can give would be greatly appreciated.